April Wrap-up and Dewey's 24hr Readathon Vlog!

When a month comes to a close, I enjoy tallying up everything that I have done. Whether it was just completing some assignments or whether I have read a hundred books and reviewed them all. I always find this interesting because you can see what you have accomplished and what you still need to accomplish. 

Here are this months stats!

Books Read: 15
Reviews Written: 14
Average Rating: 3.72 Stars
Videos Posted: 11 

And now for what you are probably waiting for, my April Wrap-up video:

As you probably know, the Dewey's 24hr Readathon happened on the 29th of April and to go with this event, I decided to vlog a bit.

Stats for D24hrR:
Books Started: 2
Books Completed: 0 
Pages Read: 408

Here is the vlog!

Yours in Reading,



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